Saturday, June 21, 2003

its a raining raining raining, which is completely fine with me.

on days like today i want to just sit around and read all day. but today, we will instead cram more crap into our apartment. first a new futon is being delivered at some point within the next hour and then, after the futon finally cares to show up, we will buy a few more major appliances.

meanwhile, as i sit waiting for the futon to be delivered, i probably should be memorizing the speech at the beginning of chapter 16 of al-kitaab fii ta3allum al-3arabiyya: al-juz' al-awal, but instead i'm shizzolating all of the blogs on my list to see how they come out. my favorite so far is the shizzolated version of josh corey's blog.

for the record: i still haven't decided what to do with this blog. whether to go the online diary route (like sarah or cathy) or whether i will end up dumping my occasional political rants here. i seem to be going with the former route so far, but the latter is more of what i had in mind when i first contemplated starting a blog. i have to be in the right mood, i guess.

hey, does anyone (by that i mean the 1-2 people who know about this blog) know how to type in arabic characters on this thing?