Wednesday, July 02, 2003

blogging from the office. a first for me.

i am the only one here. i would be home, except that i am seeing gigantic tonight at a theater which is only a block or so from my office, so i figure i might as well stick around and get stuff done. and i will too, after a quick experiment with how my moody work computer deals with blogger.

there haven't been posts lately because i've been busy. every day this week i've been occupied with something after work (monday arabic, but monday is always arabic. tuesday i helped someone move. and now gigantic). and the weekend before that was busy too. my political posts tend to take longer, so they have kinda fallen by the wayside lately.

nevertheless, i seem to have succeded in pissing off sarah today. not that its all that hard, but everyone's gotta have a hobby.

tomorrow i get my stiches out in my mouth. my dedicated readers will fondly remember the explicit still-under-the-influence-of-the-anesthesia post in which i described my oral surgery last week. well, tomorrow is day 8 post-op and so i get to go back the the oral surgeon and have him poke around in there again. hopefully that means the bandages and stiches will be removed, and more imporantly (again assuming it looks okay) i can finally eat solid foods again. mmm, solids. i've been dreaming about them all week