Wednesday, July 09, 2003

i think i'm slipping in my ability to keep my worlds separate. on the one hand i have Real Life. where i work as a lawyer, type with capital letters, and use a different name than "upyernoz." on the other is this one, a semi-anonymous somewhat ranting life online.

so today at work in Real Life, i requested an extension of a particular deadline from the national labor relations board. the n.l.r.b. has an e-filing system, so i requested my extension online. to request an extension, i had to fill in case identifying information, as well as my name, firm, business address, phone number, etc. all of that i did with no problem. in the "email" blank, however, i put my "upyernoz" email address rather than my more boring work handle.

i find out if the extension is granted within the next 2 days