Thursday, July 24, 2003

i'm back from albany. long day (woke at 3 am, spent 4.5 hours on various trains to make a morning arb. in albany. then after a few hours there, i turned around and did the same thing backwards.) the one good thing was the nostalgia from my college days i got by looking out the window between nyc and poughkeepsie. that ruined fort on the island is still there, and still ruined. west point still looks impressive on the bluff across the water. plus the whole area is just so beautiful. it definitely beats the first (and last) train i took through jersey

meanwhile, my friend aaron emailed and alerted me to more interesting thoughts (i.e. stuff i agree with) about uday/qusay at counterpunch and democracy now!

also, why is the u.s. so sure this will decrease the number of attacks on u.s. forces in iraq? that's what they keep saying but by my count the deaths have increased not decreased since the assassinations. the way the administration repeats over and over that these attacks are from saddam loyalists, even though there is no evidence of that, just shows how clueless they are about how to stop the attacks.

yet another thing: brooke notes the double standard in releasing the photos of uday and qusay's bodies when our coalition partner previously said that releasing photos of war dead violate the geneva convention

i've gotta get some sleep