Tuesday, August 12, 2003

so al franken's new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them has the tag line "A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" on the cover. the tag line is a parody of the fox news slogan. a slogan which, to me at least, has a sort of orwellian air to it given fox's jingoistic broadcasts.

well fox, or rather its parent company, is suing franken and his publisher for using the phrase.

to protest this lawsuit, atrios added "fair and balanced" to its tag line yesterday, several blogs followed and now we have an online protest. so count me in.

on the off chance some fox lawyer were to slink by here, please note: WE ARE DOING THIS TO MAKE FUN OF YOU (i.e. this is a parody. just like franken's is. see campbell v. acuff rose music, 510 u.s. 569 (1994) if you're not clear what i am referring to)

UPDATE: blah3 is now the place to go to see the full list of fair and balanced sites.