Thursday, September 04, 2003


this is frustrating. there are all kinds of things i would love to rant about now, but i really have no time. earlier in the week i realized it would be difficult to complete all the work i had to do at my office before i leave. then yesterday, i was asked to put together an emergency motion for an injunction. i ended up working on nothing else all day yesterday and i'm still not done. meanwhile, none of the things on my pre-existing "to do" list are done. i came in early this morning, but i can't stay late after work today (its the first day of my new arabic class. i barely convinced the prof. to let me enroll when she found out that i am missing 2 weeks of the class. and she only gave in when i solomnly swore that i will not miss any other class ever. actually, i'm not sure if i can keep the promise, but i must make the first class or she won't let me in). hopefully i can finish this damn motion before everyone else gets here and i will have a full day to work.

this may be my last chance to blog before i leave tomorrow. i might blog from uzbekistan. as it is, i am planning to keep a journal, keep in touch with worried family members via email, and write a whole lotta postcards. given all that i also want to have time to actually wander around and see the country, blogging may fall by the wayside. but if i am so moved and i got time to kill, i might slip in a post here and there. who knows, maybe i'll get really into it. stay tuned.

(by the way, i want to thank sean-paul kelley for spending his time on the phone with me last night answering my questions about traveling in uzbekistan. everyone go read his blog.)