Friday, February 13, 2004


alex over at sooner thought is watching "the apprentice" so that i don't have to. i first learned of the apprentice from a commercial that played before a movie (must... restrain... commercial... before... movie... rant... okay. i'm fine. i'll continue).

anyway, seeing a 20 foot high donald trump head give his smug smile on the big screen was enough to assure that i would go out of my way to avoid even accidentally watching "the apprentice." hostility to "the donald" aside, another strike against the show is my irrational hatred of reality t.v. shows. not that they don't deserve my derision, but sometimes i think my dislike of them is truly out of proportion for what they are. of course after reading alex's concluding paragraphs, i feel perfectly justified:
The contestants on this gross game show do demonstrate one thing I saw during my years in the private sector: a distinct lack of education about culture, history, how commerce works, communication and interpersonal relations. What do they teach in business school these, days, anyway? From what I see, it is all about too much eye makeup, fake fingernails, tight pants, washboard abs, junk "Who Moved My Cheese?" motivational tactics and weepy-eyed, predictable brinkmanship in the boardroom.

Ah, yes, the "boardroom." This halfway-elegant setting (not too much gold leaf in there, for once) where The Donald (That is the last time I allow myself to call him "THE") evaluates the losers of each exercise--which is usually something challenging like selling shitty t-shirts at a flea market or wiggling their asses at guys for cash.

Then, like Croesus on Auric Goldfinger's toilet, Trump waves a fey hand at the biggest loser and says "You're fired!" as incidental music apparently stolen from "Days of Our Lives" flourishes in the background and Trump's two judges (two of his top employees--one old guy who looks like an ad for Metamucil and one hot chick biznez woman who looks like she would love to be anywhere else but on TV) cringe in embarrassment.

What a relief for the contestants, to be flushed from the presence of the golden throne and the swoop-haired vulgarian with his hand on the handle.

This show takes pleasure in and promotes the schadenfreud entertainment value of watching morons connive to destroy one another and "ascend" to the top of Trump's tacky gold-plated tower.

Only in America--a place that "elected" the dense, tasteless Mr. Bush to the presidency would find this mess entertaining. God help us all...I really wish the gasping, grasping, snack-food addled, spoiled-rotten American public would "fire" "The Donald" and this type of entertainment.