Saturday, February 28, 2004

naval gazing

i was in court yesterday in wildwood, new jersey, so i didn't have much time to post yesterday. thanks to all of the people who linked to the below marriage post, it's apparently very popular. in looking at all of the referring sites, i accidentally discovered that three and a half years ago one of my friends transcribed a postcard i sent her from africa onto her site. it's very odd to read something you wrote years later. oddly, i remember exactly where i was sitting when i did.

UPDATE3: by "three and a half years ago" i meant, of course, two and a half. also, the friend i referenced above graciously removed my real name from the postcard-post, which was really thoughtful of her. just for that i will let her in on one secret: the "bad handwriting" bit in my postcard said "bamako."

on a similarly frivolous and self-absorbed note, hydro emailed and directed me to the site that comes up when you forget the "s" and type

UPDATE: it seems that you can take any blogspot site, substitute the word "blogpot" for "blogspot" and get the aaron bible site. they must have snatched up all of the domains in the hopes of converting some poor misdirected blog reader who is not good at spelling. insidious!

i'll get to something more substantive later.

UPDATE2: really. i mean it. i won't just continuously update this post.