Sunday, February 08, 2004

sandless house with some fog

we saw house of sand and fog last night. amazing acting (with one notable exception, he wasn't bad, but compared with his co-stars it was just obvious that mr. eldard was out of his league), the plot was just okay; it was a little hard to believe things could spiral that badly out of control. the whole time, i just kept wishing the people would just call one another and try to work out their differences. they didn't, but if they had the movie would have been only be 20 minutes long

it was also a little odd how although ben kingsley's wife in the film did not speak english very well and she would oftens speak to him in farsi, he would reply in english. i'm guessing that ben (the actor) doesn't speak farsi and the director decided not to have him speak bad farsi (which would trigger an uproar of snide remarks and derision from the iranian expat community). it just didn't make sense when you thought about it.

while i'm bitching about minor things, though the house had plenty of fog, there was no sand on the property itself (though there was a beach down the street). but i guess "house of fog and some sand within a short walk" wasn't catchy enough

but aside from these minor gripes, it was worth seeing.