Monday, February 16, 2004


hesiod has directed my attention to another instance where the feds are wasting their resources to spy on a liberal group. this time it’s progressive clothing web sites.

in a prior posts i mentioned how frightening things like these are to me. but aside from that, i’m just a little bit confused by what exactly the department of homeland security is trying to accomplish. how can they justify using resources supposedly allocated to finding terrorist cells to snoop around web sites who sell "another patriot against the patriot act" buttons. someone apparently thinks these buttons and other "sweatshop-free radical apparel" pose a clear and present danger to our society. this kind of spying on peaceful groups is more than a threat to our ability to speak freely in this country, it’s also wasteful and stupid. it’s almost like they’re trying to give ammunition to people who wear the anti-patriot act buttons.