Wednesday, April 21, 2004

sleepy interlude

i was in trenton this morning. i got back to the office early this afternoon and now suddenly i am exhausted. i guess this last week's frantic work schedule, switching time zones and general lack of sleep is finally catching up to me. usually i'm pretty immune to that sort of thing. i can just effectively will myself to be awake. but it isn't working today and so i am resorting to drugs.

so i'm sitting here staring at the screen and waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

i got an email from a friend from uzbekistan just now. this is one from someone who i have not heard from in a while. when those bombs were going off a few weeks back i dropped him a note to see how he was, but he didn't reply. now he's suddenly reappeared and made no mention of my earlier note or any of the violence.

this entry seems even more scattered than usual. at least to me. maybe i'm always like this. damn you caffeine! work!!!