Tuesday, June 22, 2004

waiting for the ice cream to congeal

i'm making ice cream now. it's about mid-way through the freeze stage as i write this. i'm trying plum ice cream with dark chocolate chips for the first time tonight. i came up with the flavor because the plums in the market looked particularly good this week. anything that looks good in the market i want to turn into ice cream. with chocolate. chocolate is always good.

but that's not why i got on this to write. it's this: over the last few days, i've noticed i've been getting lots of spam in russian. is this happening to anyone else? i'm wondering if writing about the former soviet union here has gotten me on some list. or maybe its a calling card i bought online at a russian expat site. either way, spam is twice as annoying when i can't even tell whether its for a fake diploma or fake viagra