Thursday, July 15, 2004

books and arabic (though not arabic books)

no arabic tonight. normally thursdays are the night i meet with my tutor, but he's away for a few weeks. unfortunately, he gets back just before i leave for my vacation. but we will be able to cram in one meeting between when he returns and when i leave and that, at least, should be enough to keep me working while he's gone.

its disconcerting, but recently i've felt like i'm losing vocabulary. as we trudge ahead together, i find it harder and harder to remember words i thought i had gotten down pat 3 or 4 lessons ago. i'm hoping to use the time without the tutor to review these earlier words. i'm hoping it will all come back without much work.

so while my tutoring is on hiatus, i'm trying hard to make sure my studies are not. on the other hand, without a tutor to answer to each week, i have been doing less each day. but that has also meant that i have been reading more. for whatever reason, arabic and reading for fun seem to occupy the same block of time in my life. when i get busy with arabic, my reading basically stops. and even just going to classes or tutoring regularly slows my normal quick reading speed to a crawl. suddenly, this week i'm moving nicely through family matters. i seem to like books set in india. it's not a conscious thing (or maybe it will be now that i've remarked on the fact), just a pattern. i'm not done yet, so i won't comment much about the book at this point.

and maybe i never will. i'm done making promises about blogging. whenever i write "i will write more about ______ later" i never do. so you won't see me do that again. i promise.