Tuesday, August 31, 2004

how do you say naval-gazing in arabic? (mushahadat al-batn???)

i'm am resolving to practice my arabic at least one hour every day. i probably average at least that much already, except i usually go a few days without working on it and thn have a few catch-up marathons right before meeting with the tutor. i've decided that's not working very well. i retain stuff better if i do it in smaller regular spurts.

i'm writing this, not because most of you care, but because, by writing it and posting it on the internet, i have this idea it will take my resolution more seriously. sorry to delve into such noz-centric blogging. but in the end this is my site. so there

speaking of which: my arabic is possibly up in the air again. i managed to keep it up while traveling in canada. my co-student was meeting with the tutor while i was away but i kept up via email. but our tutor is a full time professor and he is teaching a course overload this semester. so he's not sure if he will have time to meet with us every week. he will let us know after he sees how the first week of his teaching goes. i'm hoping he will be able to do it, even if we have to switch nights. but if not, me and my fellow student are determined to carry on. i guess we'll just find another tutor. i hope it doesn't come to that, i like the one we got.

meanwhile, either tonight or tomorrow night i will meet a former arabic classmate for dinner. said classmate was once in a first year class with me and then went to cairo for two years to study. no doubt she can talk circles around me in arabic--somewhat embarrassing considering that it was not all that long ago that we were basically at the same level. she's also trying to invite our former professor. anotheer reason to get cracking on arabic.