Friday, October 08, 2004

yet another debate

Originally uploaded by elcaseo.

the photo is misleading. i'm babbling about the next debate, not the last one. i just like the photo. i've always thought cheney looked like mr. burns. there was even a photo on the cover the the new york times a few months ago where he seemed to be doing that finger thing. i tried to find a copy of it later, but it had vanished into the sea of cheney photos that clog the internet by the time i thought about it.

anyway, i'm going to miss the debate tonight, at least i won't be watching it live. who schedules a debate on friday night anyway? i'm going to be stuffing my face with expensive chocolate instead. how can a mere presidential debate compete with that?

the rumor has it that the bush administration got most of what it wanted when the ground rules were negotiated. the kerry camp wanted three debates, bush wanted two. so to get three, kerry gave in on most of the other terms. because tonight's debate is the "town hall" style one, the format conventional wisdom says bush is least comfortable with, i wonder if it was purposely scheduled on a friday when many people will simply have better things to do.

we will record the debate. but i wonder if i will ever get around to watching it. i'm sure by the time i get around to it, i already will have heard the post-debate spin. and without the suspense of a live broadcast, i expect if won't feel like a real event anymore. on the other hand, if the spin makes it sound entertaining enough, maybe i will watch it after all.

how's that for a lawyer answer?