if americans knew has released a study of the coverage of deaths in the u.s. media in the israeli and palestinian conflict. the study found the american networks covering israeli deaths 3-4 times more often than palestinian deaths. and that ratio jumps to between 6.4 and 12.4 times when comparing reporting the on the deaths of israeli vs. palestinian children. (i.e. israeli children's deaths received 6.4 to 12.4 times the coverage as palestinian children's deaths). the range in ratios reflects the differences between the various TV networks studied. unfortunately, the study only included ABC, NBC and CBS, and not any of the cable networks where most people get their news these days.
no doubt, IAK will be denounced as some kind of a pro-terrorist front organization. such is an occupational hazard of anyone who wades into the israeli-palestinian conflict. if anyone reading this disagrees with the study's conclusions, i'm more interested in critiques of the study's methodology than any wild "pro-terrorism" charges.
just something to consider before you hit the ole "comment" button.
(via cursor)