Thursday, May 05, 2005

i'm a travelin' man

i had to wake up at the crack of dawn this morning to do a hearing in mahattan and ended up getting stuck there all day. we didn't even finish the case. i'll be back in two weeks to do that.

one interesting bit about the hearing: i had to get to NYC quite early to talk to meet with the witnesses and prepare. i was waiting around for one key witness to show up, when one of the union reps said casually, "oh, he's probably caught in traffic because of that grenade." that's how i first heard about the incident

i must admit it was the first time i heard that particular excuse for a no-show witness.

in other news, our u.s. tour continues tomorrow when mrs. noz and i fly off to cleveland. it's basically the same deal as last week: we're coming back sunday, i'm bringing the laptop, might just blog from there so keep checking this site for new exciting posts, blah blah blah.

have i cried this particular wolf too many times now? i really mean it this time. i will post. really.