Friday, May 27, 2005


the noz u.s. tour continues (i'm actually getting a little sick of being away every weekend, even as each individual trip is fun on its own merit)

today, i'm off to madison, wisconsin for wiscon, a feminist science fiction convention i try to attend every year (but only seem to make it every other year). i'm not big on sci fi conventions, but wiscon is a unique intersection of my politics and my geekdom. and it's a con where most of the participants are aware of the outside world and not just the contents of their parent's basement (not to stereotype anyone. except, i guess, i just did)

but just because i'm going away doesn't mean the blogging will stop. actually, of all my recent travels this one has the best chance of including some posts. i'm bringing my laptop, the hotel has free wifi, there's always plenty of down time, and the three people i am rooming with, cathy, sarah and wendy, are all bloggers themselves. i don't know if i will actually blog anything that goes on at wiscon, but, no doubt, something i hear or do there will set me off into a rant about something. i always does. someday i will tell the tale of my argument with the UFO conspiracy guy at wiscon a couple of years ago.

insha'llah sarah will forget all the mean stuff i have done to her over the years and show up for the pick up at o'hare this afternoon.