Wednesday, June 01, 2005

انا مريض

i've been getting sicker and sicker as the day progresses. if i weren't leaving tomorrow and didn't have a shitload of stuff to do before then, i would have gone home by now. i've even canceled my arabic tutoring tonight--something i almost never do. i hope my three wiscon roomates are getting lots of vitamin c! not to mention all those poor unsuspecting minnesota-bound fliers who will be trapped in a box of my recirculated diseased breath tomorrow evening.

in other news, i just realized that i actually know one of the head honchos of the site i mentioned below in my big brass alliance post. john bonifaz went to my high school. actually, it was his high school, my middle school at that time. my school went from pre-k all the way to 12th grade. when bonifaz was a high school senior, i was a seventh grader. but he was so outspoken, everyone knew who he was. back then, i'm pretty sure he knew who i was too (i was in the middle-school version of a club he founded), but i doubt if he remembers me now. still, i remember him well. i blame my fever addled brain for not noticing yesterday when i first linked to his site.