Wednesday, October 12, 2005

sorry, no porn here

not yours

i got this weird spike in hits this afternoon. yesterday i got about 180 hits all day. i got almost that many in just the last hour.

almost all the hits came from computers in d.c. many had domains like "" i traced the source of the spike to a link: the national journal was apparently linking to me. the frustrating thing is i couldn't see why--the referring article was password protected. i could get a "day pass" for $25. i was curious, but not that curious. and still very very cheap.

thanks to a friend with access i discovered the reason for the spike in hits. this site is listed in the hallowed "blog or porn site" feature of today's national journal. while i was thinking "welcome back kotter" when i first named this site, apparently not everyone sees it that way.

so to the 300+ porn-seeking congressional staffers and/or congresspeople, i am truly sorry to disappoint you. maybe you'll have better luck with cox and forkum.