Saturday, January 07, 2006

blog outsourcing

it goes without saying that sometimes things happen in my life that i'm not gonna blog about. sorry for the sudden disappearance (if a 36 hour break in posting and commenting counts as a "disappearance"). i'm probably gonna have plenty of time to blog later this weekend, but to tide you over in the meantime, i recommend these posts:

david dylan thomas, the last black site on the left

unclaimed territory, sharing our secrets with osama

maha's follow-up to an earlier unclaimed territory post, law, democracy and liberalism

musing's musings, peddle your nostrums elsewhere, mr. bush

speedkill, bizarre

scrutiny hooligans, U.S.: the world's deepest debtor

abu aardvark, department of self awareness department

riverbend, 2006...

boing boing, the evil elmo posts

a foreigner in syria, clothes, clothes and more clothes

praktike, ackerman strikes again

and finally, if that's not enough to tide you over, roxanne's recommendations are always good.

and yes, that means i just outsourced my outsourcing. no doubt my shareholders will be overjoyed.