Sunday, March 12, 2006

dammit duncan!

earlier today i was listening to "habeas schmabeas", today's episode of this american life. as i listened to it, i thunked, "wow, i should recommend this on my blog." but then a friend called, and then i had to run a couple of errands. when i finally had time to play with the 'puters again, i found i had already been scooped.

i swear, i really thought of it first! (or at least simultaneously). really.


anyway, listen to the episode when you get the chance. if you miss the broadcast near you, in a week it will be available for free as a real audio stream here. it's a more thorough fact-checking of the gitmo issue no one else seems to have done. as far as i know it also includes the only interviews with people who were released from the detention facilities.

do you see that paragraph? that's value added.

put that in your pipe and smoke it