Wednesday, March 01, 2006

tsotsi soundtrack

i bought the soundtrack to tsotsi today. i saw the film a month ago, at a special preview screening and was blown away by it (yeah, i thought about blogging a review at the time, but i never quite got around to it). but i didn't just like the movie, i came out thinking "i must remember to get that soundtrack"

so then, of course, i completely forgot about it. until this week. the film is about to finally be released to the general public. tsotsi got nominated for an academy award (best foreign film) so it's getting a bit of publicity all of a sudden. the other day a bit of the soundtrack wafted by me and i remembered how much i liked it.

anyway, i am probably more fascinated than most by attempts to combine american and foreign music styles. i try not to subject my friends too much to the full range of shitty music i listen to. on top of that, i tend to be a faddist--flitting around from one music style to another. i'll get really into lebanese hip-hop artist for a little while, and then move on to malian pop music. and so on. anyway, one thing i didn't have in my collection was any south african kwaito music.

that is, until now. not all of the album is kwaito (and the non-kwaito songs i seem to like the least), but it at least opens the door for me. kind of like how broken flowers helped me discover ethiopian jazz.