Friday, March 03, 2006

you can't unring a bell

i don't understand the logic behind reclassifying documents that have already been declassified. while they were declassified any number of copies could have been made already.

i realize the current administration might think that former regimes were a little too quick to declassify, but reclassifying things that had already been made public only draws attention to what kind of documents you think are really important. it seems that just the act of reclassifying is giving out some information that the administration probably doesn't want to get out.

i'm putting aside, for the moment, the issue of whether the bush administration is overly secretive. i think they are, but that's really another post. the fact remains that even if you agree with their high level of secrecy, the reclassification program doesn't really work to hide this information. because the documents are already out, all reclassifying it does is put a big star in the margins, telling anyone who looks into it that this is the kind of information that the administration thinks is important.