Tuesday, May 30, 2006

dog washers

riots in afghanistan:
In the capital's worst unrest since the fall of the Taliban 4 1/2 years ago, Afghan mobs fought running battles Monday with troops and police trying to quell riots sparked when U.S. military vehicles fled the scene of a fatal accident.

At least eight people were killed and more than 100 injured, most in the rioting that followed an early-morning traffic accident involving a convoy of U.S. military vehicles, Afghan officials said.

Rioters attacked the offices of the United Nations and foreign aid agencies, looting computers, books, desks and even shoes.

They also set fire to numerous police checkpoints across Kabul. As the mobs continued to run amok in midafternoon, a pall of smoke hung over some districts of the capital.

Protesters shouted, "Death to America!" and in a local epithet, "Death to Dog Washers!" They also condemned President Hamid Karzai and the former Afghan king, Mohammad Zaher Shah.
dog washers? in the arab world there is a cultural aversion to dogs. they're viewed as dirty disgusting animals.

i'm not sure if that view extends to afghanistan, but if so, you'd think they would like dog washers. what better way to make a dirty disgusting animal a little less dirty?

you know, like how everyone likes being called a "cockroach washer" here.

(via cursor)