Monday, June 26, 2006

4 degrees of inga karins

i know, i know, "the internet is cool" type posts are sooooo late-90s. but i didn't have a blog in the late 90s, so humor me here.

you may already know this (either you figured it out from this post, or (more likely) you know me in real life and i just told you), but mrs. noz and i are going to the baltic republics in august. i mentioned the trip to sarah a few weeks back and she said "you should find inga."

inga was a classmate of ours back in high school. she was in the grade behind me but we had a couple of friends in common. inga was really into latvia. this made her stand out as baltic nationalism wasn't exactly the rage in 1980s delaware. i'm not sure when i last saw inga. it's not quite 20 years yet, but it's definitely in the upper teens(!) in any case it was quite a while and i really had no idea where she might be.

anyway, last week i emailed a friend who's sister was in inga's grade. i asked the friend to pass my message along to his sister to see if she knew where i could find inga. the next day i got a series of messages, as my email was forwarded from my friend's sister to another person, and so on, with each person copying me back on the forwarded message.

it worked, this weekend i got through to inga, who actually lives in latvia. which is why i'm on my retro "the internet is cool" thing this morning.

the end