Saturday, June 10, 2006

obligatory yearly kos post

so this is yearly kos weekend. even the times noticed. a lot of the bloggers i read are there. and among the bloggers i read that aren't, some wish they were and others seem to be glad they're not, or maybe they're just shy. at dinner the other night, a real-life friend mentioned he wished he was there too.

but not me. don't get me wrong, i like blogging and all. and i tend to like bloggers too, at least the ones i've met so far. it's just that i can't imagine spending all day, for a couple of days, thinking and talking about nothing else. and conversations about the process of activism, things like "net roots" just bore me. i would rather sit around talking about the moroccan monarchy than how to raise money or build awareness for a political campaign.

besides, i think if i went i would feel like i didn't belong there. i mean, this site is fairly lame-ass as a political blog. in fact, the lame-assedness of this place is almost a point of pride for me. this site may suck, but among sucky blogs, it's one of the best! the key to success is picking a nice small pond. that's my strategy. if i can be said to have a strategy, that is. except that we can't say that because i don't want to talk about it. and this is my sandbox, i'm the decider here, not you. if you don't like it, go to vegas or something.

so... how about that mohammed the sixth?