Wednesday, August 23, 2006

bush books

there's lot's of fun out there surrounding bush's alleged reading habits. there's the white house's claim that bush has read 60 books in the past year. (which the carpetbagger argues cannot be true). i don't know if it's true or not, but at least it would explain why bush hasn't been paying any attention to his presidency.

then there this stranger business. i guess i missed this small hubbub (smubub?) while i was away. but the idea that bush read the existential classic on his vacation is so packed with comic potential that i almost wish me and mrs. noz had scheduled our baltic trip around it. i mean, the hero of the book is a man who is unable to feel normal human emotion and then kills and arab man for no reason. the fact that bush's spokesperson was bragging about reading that particular book itself is pretty good evidence that bush never even bothered to read the cliff notes.