Saturday, August 26, 2006


why does anyone read instapundit? i'm not being facetious or anything, i really wanna know.

i mean, back when i started blogging insty had the largest number of hits on the planet. he isn't quite #1 anymore (and he hasn't been for a while), but he still has a lot of people reading the site. every once in a while i drop in for a look. while there are plenty of sites i don't particularly like (and i'm sure there are no shortage of people who see nothing of worth in rubber hose), i usually can at least imagine why a site may appeal to someone out there.

but not instapundit. i mean, glenn reynolds really doesn't say much at all. most of his posts are just links to somewhere else with pithy quotes. because he has such a big audience, i'm sure anyone who gets a front page link sees a nice hit spike. that seems to be all he's offering. he has a lot of hits and so he hands them out, without really adding any content. so while i understand why a blogger would like to be linked by instapundit, i don't get why anyone would want to read his blog.

in other words, given the site's large audience, i understand why glenn reynolds is influential, despite the lack of content on his site. but given his lack of content, why the large audience? isn't he really just a link aggregator? but there are web sites that function as aggregators that you can custom tailor yourself, why would anyone want to rely on glenn's choices for links rather than their own?

anyone out there who reads instapundit, riddle me this: why?