Thursday, November 23, 2006


just a follow up to this post. as i mentioned in the post, pam banned me, but i figured out a way to work around it. so then i kept leaving comments at the site, whining about how pam banned me. i also continued to argue with the colorful figures who haunt what is perhaps the lowest IQ blog in right blogistan. then pam jumped into the conversation and denied she ever banned me. by complete coincidence, just after pam's comment the little notice saying that i wasn't permitted to post there went away. so i continued on my merry argumentative way.

the thread is now entering its second week and i'm still visiting regularly to clash heads with majdvmphd, the last commenter who is sticking it out with me. for some reason i am endlessly entertained by the guy. equally puzzling is how the guy cannot stop responding to me.

so i really have two ulterior motives for posting this. first, my direct link to that particular thread fell into my archives. i'm posting this to set up another direct links so that i can save a couple of clicks on my next visit.

second, to ask for some computer advice. majdvmphd has threatened to respond to everything i write from now on with the word "asshole." i don't think he can really stick to it. he's threatened stuff like that before, but then quickly failed to follow through. but say for the sake of argument that he does just write "asshole" for a while. is it possible for someone to write me a script that would monitor the thread and automatically post a response as "upyernoz" every time he posts the word "asshole?" wouldn't it be great if i could tie up the guy there, endlessly arguing with a computer program for months at a time?

okay, i think that's really funny. so does anyone out there know how to write something like that? inquiring minds wanna know.