Sunday, December 10, 2006

blahroll rant

some minor blogroll mucking happened just now. the more i look over it, the more i'm unhappy with just about everything about those links to the right. the way i've divided up the blogroll into categories is a mess for several different reasons: having a separate "friends blog" category doesn't really make sense anymore considering that i'm friends with a bunch of bloggers. the fact that my main blogroll is classified as "other" bugs me. and the liberal coalition only barely exists these days--i am constantly wondering whether i should even bother to keep the separate "liberal coalition" list around, or whether i can just combine it with my regular blogroll.

it also bugs me that the names i use to refer to the sites on my blogroll are inconsistent. for example, the whiskey bar by billmon is listed as "Whiskey Bar" and not "Billmon" even though eschaton by atrios is listed as "atrios" and not "eschaton." i still list hullabaloo as "digby" even though at least half of the posts at hullabaloo these days are written by someone else other than digby.

these annoyances are not new. i've been occasionally thinking about changing stuff around for a while now. at least two or three times i've started writing posts about this very topic, but never bothered to hit the publish button when i was done. this stuff alternates between driving me crazy and seeming to be completely unimportant. maybe i'll just wait until it seems unimportant again so i can kick this can down the road once more.