Sunday, December 31, 2006


i'm spending new year's in the midwest. it's always strange when this happens. we see them drop that ball in times square at 11 p.m. then we jump and dance. hurray! only one more hour to new year!

for years i've wondered why the whole country has to watch times square. doesn't it make more sense to do something different for each time zone? it would be even better if they made it reflect the local culture. TVs in the midwest would all tune in to watch mobsters throw a guy off the sears tower. in colorado, a cowboy would chase an indian down a mountain on skis. and in L.A., precisely at midnight, charo would have plastic surgery in front of cheering crowds. then the crowds could throw her off the top of the hollywood sign. i'm pretty sure something has to drop for it to be a legitimate new years celebration.

anyway, it's just an idea. the times square ball drop thing always seemed a little pointless to me. but i'll probably be in a room with it on in the background tonight. won't we all.