Friday, December 22, 2006

normal posting ahead, check back often

one thing i've learned in the blogging biz is that whenever i mention that i'm going away and that i might not get much chance to post, my hit numbers plummet. i know, it's weird. i can't explain it. but it just seems to be a fact of life.

so i usually avoid telling you, my readers (yeah, both of you), when i won't be able to post for a short period of time. i mean, can't you figure it out yourself when you drop by here and don't see posting? telling you there won't be any posts and then going right ahead and not posting almost seems redundant. if you think about it i'm really just saving you time by not telling you stuff like that. and this is all about you, both of my readers, not me.

anyway, i realize that the high hit count sites out there sometimes warn of slow posting ahead. their counts are so high they probably don't even notice any dips. but a little place like this really can't afford a hit drop. also when the rubber hose stats fall baby jesus cries. you wouldn't want to do that to baby jesus? especially not on his birthday weekend.

which finally brings me to the point of this post, such as it is. there's absolutely no reason to believe that i might not be posting as much this holiday weekend. both of my readers should check back here, preferably every 21 minutes to give time for the sitemeter to refresh, just in case some new nugget of rubber hose wisdom should appear and spread merriment throughout the land. this period of absolutely normal posting should continue through monday, christmas day.

happy kwanzaa.