Sunday, March 04, 2007

did they really think nobody would notice?

that's what i've been wondering.

here's what i think should be done immediately, even as congress continues to investigate the firings:

(1) repeal the rider that sentor spector attached to the reauthorization of the patriot act that cut out both congress and the judiciary from the process in selecting u.s. attorneys. don't attach it to any other bill, just force a vote, up or down, on the repeal on its own. it will be interesting to see how member of congress react. there is no clear justification for why congress and the judiciary should not be involved. i'm curious to see if anyone can come up with one during the debates. and the vote will be especially interesting to watch with this scandal brewing in the background.

(2) prosecute deputy attorney general paul mcnulty for lying to congress. if the new congress is going to exercise more oversight, they need to remind everyone that lying to congress is still a crime. just the referral of a high-ranking member of the justice department to the justice department for prosecution would be explosive and bring this matter further out into the open.