Thursday, April 19, 2007

regional issue presented as a national one

i'm not quite as astonished as atrios about the results of this survey.

my impression is that illegal immigration is really a regional issue. the matter seems to have strong resonance in other parts of the country, particularly the southwest. but in other parts of the country, like the northeast where i live, illegal immigration seems to be a minor or non-issue for most people. that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of immigrants, legal or illegal, around here. there are. it's just that i don't know anyone who thinks there's any sort of crisis. the situation is strikingly different if i talk to people from elsewhere.

i can't find the poll itself, and my impression could be completely wrong. but i wonder if the numbers are broken down by region. if so, i would bet that the percentage of people who think illegals should have a path to citizenship would be a lot lower than 78% in the southwest.