Friday, May 11, 2007

the wages of ego-surfing

i googled my username yesterday. i haven't done it for a while, but it always turns up all kinds of unexpected things. this time i found this rebuttal to something i wrote two and a half years ago. it took me this long to realize that i was "willingly parrot[ing]" an "ancient republican talking point." i had no idea that i was such a stooge! why am i always the last to know?

i also came across this post which seemed to be riffing off a picture i took in uzbekistan. i have no beef with this one though. nukus is a shithole.

which reminds me of this web site that i found a few weeks ago. the hebrew-language travel site apparently used my photo in their write-up of timbutku. (thanks to og for the translation)

and finally, just for leaving this comment, watch me kick sir oolius' ass.

(this googlefight thing is endless fun: golden boy vs. tony the pony, coke vs. pepsi, dubya vs. a cute fuzzy bunny, et cetera)