think progress was liveblogging the all-night senate filibuster session last night. firedoglake liveblogged quite a lot (if not all) of the lewis libby trial. i've also seen liveblogs of various presidential debates, conventions, the state of the union address, and a random assortment of other events that were viewed as important.
so does anyone actually read these "liveblog" posts? i find them to be incredibly boring. even if i'm interested in the event they're liveblogging, the blog entries themselves are always completely unreadable to me. i mean, i'd rather watch a video of the event than read someone's on-the-fly transcript or spur-of-the-moment commentary.
so whenever i see a some liveblogging announced with great fanfair, i always wonder whether there is an audience out there for what they are doing. or are they just deluding themselves into thinking what they are doing is important? does anyone out there actually like liveblogging? (not doing it, reading it) just curious.