Sunday, September 09, 2007

life is full of contradictions

there's this movie. british, i think. a romantic comedy. i can't remember the film's name. i saw it in the theater at some point between 1988 and 1992 (if i had to guess, i'd say it was more like 1990-92 than 1988-89). and i saw it with cathy.

anyway, the main character is jewish. it's mostly about her and her relationship-related hi jinks, but her wacky family plays a supporting role. one minor character is her uncle, the leader of the british neo-nazi party. at one point we see him interviewed on t.v. the interviewer asks: "you call for the extermination of the jewish people and yet you yourself are jewish, how can that be?" the uncle, doing his best british jackie mason impression, replies: "life is full of contradictions."

in any case, that's what i thought of when i read this story. does anyone know the name of the film? it's really driving me crazy.

UPDATE: cathy comes through in the comments! the film is antonia and jane. unfortunately, it doesn't have a "memorable quotes" section so i can't find out if i remembered the "life is full of contradictions" thing correctly.