Tuesday, October 30, 2007

drinking liberally: noz-free for only one week more!

the philadelphia drinking liberally is tonight. now that i'm back from egypt you probably thought i would show up and so it would no longer safe to go. well, think again! today is also mrs. noz's birthday, so you have one more week to enjoy the fine company of the drinking liberally crew without that annoying noz guy hassling you for a ride home.

i'll start going regularly again next week, so this may be your last chance for a little while. don't miss out! tangier, 18th and lombard, 6 p.m. until everyone leaves.

or, if you want to go to another event that doesn't include me, there's always the democratic presidential debate at drexel university. i have no idea if it's open to the public, but maybe the drexeldem can smuggle you in.