Tuesday, October 09, 2007

georgia on my mind

i felt sorry for the georgian government when i read this quote:
"As soldiers here, we help the American soldiers," Cpl. Georgi N. Zedguidze explained, peering past the sun-scorched checkpoint where he was guarding a bridge over the Tigris River. "Then America as a country will help our country."
if he's talking about military intervention, does anyone honestly believe that is true? russia invaded georgia's airspace and fired a missile just last august. georgian forces were already in iraq at that time and the u.s. did... well, pretty much nothing. russia supports two separatist regions in georgia, regions that are currently outside the control of the georgian government. despite georgia's help in iraq, i don't think the u.s. is making either much of a priority.

the u.s. is happy to use the troops that georgia is offering, but i really doubt they will get back what they expect out of this deal.