Thursday, November 01, 2007

halloween 2007

i've been really busy since i got back from egypt. but we managed to make time last night to turn out all the lights to listen to the old woman of haunted house. back in ye olde days, that's what i used to do every halloween. but as i mentioned last year, the tradition fell by the wayside when i moved to pennsylvania in the late 1990s.

thanks to MatthewB i got my hands on a new copy of the hallowed radio drama last year and we gave it a listen on halloween 2006. we did it again last night, and now that we've done it two years in a row, i guess the tradition is officially revived. last night we also listened to one of judson fountain's lesser (though still great) works, "the garbage can from thailand" and then threw in an ed wood movie for good measure.