Wednesday, October 01, 2008


i got back from drinking liberally last night to find a note by the door: "careful!!! bees in bathroom!" before i left for work yesterday morning, i had seen a single bee crawling around the bathroom floor. by the time i got home last night, the room was overrun with bees. okay, i counted seven. but i wasn't trying to do a comprehensive census. that's just what i saw on on one wall during my quick toothbrush evacuation operation.

so now we keep the door closed to that bathroom, trying to avoid bee contamination in the rest of the house. we do have another bathroom on the third floor. but it doesn't have a shower, which made this morning's routine all the more entertaining.

the problem is that mrs. noz is the one who is more equipped to handle these kinds of problems. the noz mansion comes with her job, not mine. she knows who to contact to deal with stuff like this. last night she shot off an email to someone-or-other at the college allegedly to deal with it. but this morning, she flies to texas. for the next few days i'm on my own. just me and the bees.