Wednesday, November 26, 2008

future posts

after blogger added the ability to write a post and schedule it to appear later i resisted for a little while. but this month i have written a few. someone sent me something halloweenie, but i didn't get it until a week into november. in the olden days i would think, "i'll try to remember to post that next year" knowing full well that i will probably never remember something like that a year later. but this time, instead of trying to remember, i wrote a future post setting it to appear on 10/31/09.

that one instance seems to have opened the door for future posting for me. i've been writing more and more in the past two weeks. i see something and think about how i'd like to post about that on some particular date. but instead of waiting, i future post it.

but the concept of future posts bothers me. this blog doesn't really have a purpose, but there are a bunch of different things that i like about it. which is why i keep doing it. one of those things is that i like having a record of what i was thinking about on a particular day. when i do hunt through my archives, it's always entertaining to read what i was thinking at various points in my past.

future posts tend to undermine that. if i had forgotten about that halloween link i alluded to above by next october, who cares? wouldn't whatever i decide to post on the actual day of october 31, 2009 be a better reflection of what i thought on that particular day than sometime i posted a year before? if i forget about the link, it really shouldn't be in the post. at least it shouldn't if contemporaneous reflection of my thoughts is the goal.

anyway, i'm probably obsessing about this issue too much. but that is what's going through my head this particular morning.