Wednesday, January 28, 2009

going nowhere

this is just another example of how israel's hardline policies end up backfiring. 1.5 million people live in gaza. people need supplies to live. 1.5 million people need a lot of supplies. if you put a wall around them, refuse to let them build a port or airport, and otherwise cut them off from the outside world, those 1.5 million people are going to find a way to survive. and that means smuggling.

if israel wants to end the smuggling tunnels, it needs to end the blockade. they can bomb tunnels as they find them, but there will always be tunnels they miss and the tunnels can be rebuilt pretty fast. the gaza offensive ended just over a week ago, but already enough new tunnels have appeared for israel to bomb again. if you're really concerned with weapons entering the strip, then forcing people to resort to smuggling to survive is completely counter-productive. it's a lot easier to disrupt the flow of weapons into the territory if goods move above ground rather than below.