Friday, January 09, 2009

the point

it is interesting to see that elements of the media are actually exploring how israel simply can't win its war on gaza. what i also find interesting is that the pro-israeli side really doesn't seem to have a response to that charge. they talk about how awful hamas is, they talk about who started it, they talk about israel's right to "defend itself", what they don't do is describe a plausible scenario about what gaza is supposed to be like when this is over. whenever i've made that same point i've gotten a lot of arguments in the comments. but no one really making the case that the israeli offensive could possibly result in a situation in gaza that is better than the one prior to the war.

there really doesn't seem to be an end game here. any scenario i play out in my head ends up being a total mess for both israel and the palestinians (in fact, it already is). hundreds of people are dying for nothing.