Saturday, March 28, 2009

back soon

back soon (imdb) is an icelandic pothead road movie. and like any good drug hazed journey, the characters don't go all that far. the main character, anna, is a drug dealer in reykjavik. after she puts the "back soon" sign on her door, she doesn't seems to rove beyond the rural areas just outside the city. but it still takes her more than a day to get back and not surprisingly, hilarity ensues, you know, the one-of-these-geese-swallowed-a-cellphone kind of thing. meanwhile, the film looks back at anna's house, where her customers breeze past that "back soon" sign, let themselves in and proceed to throw a big party. in between anna's odyssey, we cut back to see how the party is going. the answer is nowhere. it's not clear what the point of that subplot is.

i put "back soon" in a solidly okay category. it definitely was a step above cheech and chong. and there were some entertaining moments. it's just that in six months i don't know if i'd be able to remember much of this one.

ADDENDUM (3/29/09): i saw the film with glomarization. her short take about "back soon" (as well as quick reviews of several other films) is here. it's on her recommendation (and the recommendation of a couple i met at a party last night) that i'm going to try to see eldorado later today.