Sunday, March 15, 2009


susie posted this video:

i don't get it. if you really are a non-believer and think that baptism doesn't have any actual magical significance, then why would you care enough to debaptize? the critics of baptism (at least anglican baptism of non-converts) are right to note that the ceremony takes place before the baptizees are old enough to make up their own mind about theological matters. but doesn't that just mean that baptism shouldn't be viewed as significant by a non-believer? the fact that someone was baptize certainly can't be viewed as an indication of their views as an adult. so if you want to make a point about your present views, the historical fact of baptism is simply irrelevant.

i was never baptized so i guess it's not an issue in my non-believing life. but even if i had been born into a christian family, i can't imagine bothering with this debaptism thing. i certainly am not going to write some certificate claiming to taking back my bris or bar mitzvah. besides, those things happened. any effort to undo the theological significance of those things would be like saying that they had theological significance but-for my efforts to undo them. i simply don't think that's the case. there's no reason to undo anything.