Monday, June 08, 2009

now it can be told

two weeks ago, reporter/blogger will bunch criticized his boss, brian tierney, for hiring john yoo and rick santorum as columnists for the philadelphia inquirer. tierney and editorial page editor harold jackson responded by claiming that they needed conservative voices on the editorial page to counter charges that the inky had a liberal bias. that prompted bunch to note that the perception, if it existed, wasn't accurate as there really aren't any strong liberal columnists on the editorial page to balance yoo and santorum. tierney said he was open to suggestions for a strong liberal voice and bunch floated some suggestions on his blog.

the second comment to that post by spin dentist suggested brendan. brendan wrote an open letter to tierney asking for the job. i endorsed the idea in my own post.

within a day of publishing my post, brendan sent me an email saying that he had been offered a gig as columnist for the philadelphia weekly, but he asked me to keep it quiet until his first column was published.

the first column is up today. congratulations brendan! everyone go read what he has to say.