if palin really resigned because of she couldn't handle all the legal bills, why has she been threatening to sue so many people since her resignation speech?
i almost didn't publish this post because i think the palin-mania is a little stupid. i understand why an out-of-nowhere incoherent resignation speech from a nationally known governor would make headlines for a day or two. but it's already stretching beyond that with no end in sight. i've long felt that palin has been getting a lot more attention than she deserves since the election ended. if the media made any sense at all, that would be doubly true at the end of the month when she's not even a governor anymore. but i expect that she won't just fade away after july.
at this point palin is covered like a tabloid figure rather than a politician. she's a star because she's a star. she gets the coverage because she remains in the public's eye and thus the public must be interested in every detail about her. but she only remains in the public's eye because she keeps getting coverage.
it's a vicious cycle that is sure to continue. and it's also sure to generate some unfair commentary about her and andrew sullivan is sure to hawk his conspiracy theories about her children. but the unfairness doesn't mean that she isn't also a terrible politician, one who seemingly has no ability to speak coherently about any substantive policy. unless and until she runs for something else (or becomes a news commentator, thus intentionally puts herself back into the conversation), why should i pay any attention to her?