Saturday, July 18, 2009

i came to the office for this?

so i suck it up and go into the office on this beautiful saturday. it's hard enough to stay motivated with sunny philly spread out outside my window. i got here a few minutes ago, turned on the computer and, just as i'm about to do something productive, the fire alarm goes off.

the alarm is particularly annoying, it's very loud. there's a two-tone ring that bores into your skull, followed by a recorded voice that says there's an emergency and tells us not to do anything. that's right. i'm on the 51st floor, they tell me the building might be on fire and that i should neither use the elevator nor fire exit. i guess we're just supposed to wait further instructions. but in the past those instructions have never come, the alarm just stops, some scratchy voiced guy comes on saying it's all clear and we go about our business. but until the alarm stops, it's impossible to get anything done. it just blares and repeats, repeats and blares. like it is right now.